Monday, January 21, 2013

1D Preference: How He Responds to Haters on Twitter

A/N: @(H/T/N) is hater's twitter name and @(Y/T/N) is your twitter name.. And sorry ahead of time about Louis' I know he wouldn't tweet that to someone but I'm just trying to make it funny

Harry: @(H/T/N): @Harry_Styles you can do so much better than dating @(Y/T/N).. for example you could be dating me!! wouldn't that be better?!

His response: @(H/T/N) I don't know how you think that dating someone like you would be better than dating my gorgeous girlfriend @(Y/T/N) She is sweet and beautiful and you're a bully

Louis: @(H/T/N): @Louis_Tomlinson why do you date @(Y/T/N) she is such a slut

His response: @(H/T/N) I know you did not just say that about @(Y/T/N)!! She is beautiful and sweet and perfect and you are just a bitch.. I would slap you but that would be animal abuse!

Niall: @(H/T/N): @Niall_Official you know that all the fans hate @(Y/T/N) just make it easier on yourself and the band and just dump her already

His response: @(H/T/N) i dont care if the "fans" hate her or not!! she is my princess and she is here to stay! if they were real fans they would be happy that i finally found my princess.. ily bby @(Y/T/N)

Liam: @(H/T/N): @Real_Liam_Payne why did you dump danielle for that whore @(Y/T/N) we all liked it better when you were with danielle

His response: @(H/T/N) the reason danielle and i broke up is not because of @(Y/T/N) and she is not a whore... she is perfect in every way.. and having a "fan" talk about her like that makes me so pissed and makes me think that they only like us for our looks and dont care if we are happy or not

Zayn: @(H/T/N): @zaynmalik what would make your life so much better is dating me in stead of that ugly fat slut @(Y/T/N)

His response: @(H/T/N) id rather jump off a cliff then date you.. @(Y/T/N) is perfect and beautiful and has the greatest personality i have ever seen.. now why dont you either like my choices or go join another fandom.. thankyou and goodbye

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