Wednesday, November 28, 2012

1D Preference: He tweets a picture of you at your comepetition/game

@_HarryStyles94: You can do this @(Y/T/N)!! I believe in you babe!! xx
@Louis_Tomlinson: I don't know why she isn't the top of the pyramid but she will be soon! I love you baby! @(Y/T/N)!
@Real_Liam_Payne: She complained so much that she had to wear pink... but she finally got on stage and I have to admit she is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen! I know you're gonna win this babe! ILY @(Y/T/N)!

@NiallOfficial: I think @(Y/T/N) might actually be better than me! She scored 3 goals in the first 15 mins!!

@zaynmalik: Best pitcher ever! Her fastest pitch so far was almost 90 mph! You go babe! @(Y/T/N)! I WUVV YOUU!

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